Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Syntyi pitkäaikainen äänettömyys.

»Jokohan lie se Littilän Vatasen musta lehmä poikinut», puhui Liperin Kutsun-kylän Antti Ihalaisen emäntä Anna Liisa ikäänkuin itsekseen, leipiä uuniin pannessaan. Se asia oli hänelle juolahtanut mieleen ihan vain yht'äkkiä.

»Johan se kuuluu poikineen», myönsi Sormusen Miina, joka oli sattunut vieraaksi tulemaan ja hörppi nyt kahvia. Mutta sitten luuli hän Anna Liisan tarkottavan Antti Vatasen lehmää ja kysyi:

»Senkö Jussi Vatasen lehmä?»

»Sen», myönsi Anna Liisa. Miina vahvisti silloin:

»Johan se kuuluu poikineen.»

»Vai jo!»

Anna Liisa puuhaili kotvasen aikaa leipiensä kanssa, ja sitten hän taas kysyi:

»Lehmisvasikankohan tuo teki?»

»Sekö Jussi Vatasen lehmä?»


»Lehmisvasikanhan se kuuluu tehneen», myönsi Miina.

»Vai lehmis- se teki. Heittiköhän Jussi sen eloon vai tappoiko», tiedusteli Anna Liisa edelleen. Miina hörppäsi kahvia ja selitti:

»Eikö tuo liene tapattanut.»

Friday, November 14, 2008

Directions for making all kinds of candy

MOLASSES TAFFY.—New Orleans Molasses one pint, Sugar one and one-half pounds, Water one-half pint (no doctor). Stir all the time to a good light snap. Lemon flavor. Work as above.

CREAM TAFFY.—Same as above. When to the ball degree have ready half cup cider vinegar, one-fourth pipe Cream Tartar, dissolve in the Vinegar, four ounces Butter. Add, stir, and work as you do the white taffy.

NUT TAFFY.—Use the cream taffy recipe. Just before the candy is done cooking stir in any kind of nut goodies, pour out, and when cool enough not to run, form it into a block, cut or break it with a hammer.

GOOD BROWN BUTTER-SCOTCH.—C Sugar, three pounds; Water, one and one-fourth pint; Cream Tartar, one full pipe dissolved in one cup Cider Vinegar; Molasses, one-half pint; Butter, eight ounces (no flavor). Add all except the Vinegar, Cream Tartar and Butter. Boil to medium ball, then add the Cream Tartar in the Vinegar and Butter. Stir all the time carefully. Boil to light snap finish as before in cheap Butter-Scotch.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The costume of the Finnish peasant

Dr. Clarke describes the costume of the Finnish peasant as very elegant. They wear boots which are water-proof, and which enable them to ford streams or traverse drifted snows without inconvenience ; from their being lined with fur, warmth and comfort are afforded to the feet and legs, and the lower part of the thighs shielded from the driving rain, sleet, and snow; they wear tight breeches, though nearly concealed by their boots, and the flaps of a very long waistcoat, or rather jacket, which is girt round the loins, and fastened behind; the girdle being of a different color from the drapery. Superadded is a coat made of the skin of some animal, which for accommodation in cold weather, is worn with the fur inward; at the extremity of each sleeve is a cuff of fur ; the neck is defended by a collar of the same comfortable article, and that part of the hat or cap which envelops the temples, the upper part, or crown, being of cloth: the hands are immured in leathern gloves, their hair wantons o'er the shoulders in all the negligence of nature, and mustaches are indulged a place on the upper lip.

Monday, November 3, 2008


Looked at on one side, the history of humbug is truly humiliating to intellectual pride, yet the long silly story is less absurd during the later ages of history, and grows less and less so in proportion to the spread of real Christianity. This religion promotes good sense, actual knowledge, contentment with what we cannot help, and the exclusive use of intelligent means for increasing human happiness and decreasing human sorrow. And whenever the time shall come when men are kind and just and honest; when they only want what is fair and right, judge only on real and true evidence, and take nothing for granted, then there will be no place left for any humbugs, either harmless or hurtful.

P. T. Barnum: The Humbugs of the World. An Account of Humbugs, Delusions, Impositions, Quackeries, Deceits and Deceivers Generally, in All Ages