Sunday, September 1, 2019

Herrings, in large quantities, were frequently found dead

It may be deserving of mention, that in some places in Sweden, where cholera raged at this time, phenomena occurred for which it is difficult to account. Dr. Willman assures me, for instance, that soon after the disease broke out in the town of Malmo, where it caused great havoc, the jackdaws, which breed in large numbers in the church steeple, simultaneously disappeared ; and that it was not until after the cessation of the disorder that they returned to their old quarters. The same was also the case with the sparrows. The fish on the coast, moreover, especially on one particular day, came up dead to the surface, in large numbers.

The Doctor also assured me, that when he was in Finland in 1848, in which country the cholera was then raging, the herrings, in large quantities, were frequently found dead in the Gulf of Finland.

Llewelyn Lloyd: Scandinavian adventures. Volume I. 1854

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